Translate - Good Isn’t Good Enough

Ben Roy


4 min read

Good Isn’t Good Enough

We can’t do 80% of our accounting and call it done.

We can’t finish 80% of our tax return and throw in the towel, hoping the IRS won’t mind.

We’d never accept our web server only showing “most” of the pages on our site or our mail server trashing 20% of our outgoing mail.

So why are we supposed to accept “pretty good” when it comes to blockchain data?

Many of the solutions we’ve used over the years are just that: good. Want a list of all your transactions? Here they are, minus internals. Want to analyze your portfolio? As long as you’re only on these 3 networks and only use this small list of protocols, you’re all set!

When it comes to critical data, we need ALL of it. After all, isn’t one of the benefits of blockchain supposed to be pristine, immutable, unquestionable data? How does that matter when the tools and services we use only get us part way there?

We were tired of settling - that’s why we built Translate.

Translate API delivers 100% of the data you need. Every transaction in your history, from every protocol you’ve used, across every chain we are on, neatly classified and easy to digest.

If you are there, we’re there too. Because we believe the systems should be better; the solutions should be better; the data should be better.

We’re doing our part to make that a reality, to change the experience and deliver exactly what we’ve always wanted: comprehensive, consistent, and usable blockchain data.

No, good isn’t good enough.

There are a lot of solutions out there that are “pretty good.” Maybe you want a list of all your transactions, and you can get all of them (other than internal transactions). Or maybe this service or tool has transaction coverage for Uniswap and Balancer and Aave and a handful of others. And since “most” transactions go through the protocols that are covered, that’s “pretty good”, right?

Here’s the problem. You can’t do 80% of your accounting and call it good. You can’t finish 80% of your tax return and throw in the towel. Who wants to use a wallet and see nothing useful about 20% of my transactions (probably the riskiest 20%).

You’d never accept your web server only showing “enough” of the pages on your site, or email trashing 20% of your outgoing mail.

When it comes to critical data, we need to cover ALL of the problem space. And afterall, isn’t part of the point of this blockchain thing supposed to be pristine, immutable, unquestionable data? So how are we supposed to proceed when the tools and services we use are only aiming for partial coverage, for “good enough”?

We don’t think we should have to settle. Translate API delivers ALL of the data you need. 100% of the transactions in your history. Across ALL of the chains we support. Across ALL the protocols that you interact with. If you are there, we are there too. Noves is the long tail.

No, good enough is not good enough..